Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1

Towed the bug that I am using for the basis for my truck design to club workshop and pulled the body off with my friend Chris.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Having fits developing my badges for various things.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Solitude 1:8 scale model

I have 20 hours in this scale model of the car I designed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cut sheets

Here are a few examples of my cut sheets that I send to the master furniture builder who makes my furniture.
I have made all of the prototypes
so it is a bit easier to make these drawings as I have them to measure.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Solitude "Normal"

This is the coupe version of my car design. The vision intended is an American influenced by Italian design in 1952. The clay model will come next.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My clock and credenza designs

This is a design for a clock and a credenza that I rendered in 3d. I have since made the actual prototypes of these two units.

Half aluminum 356

Here is the half aluminum 356 that I made from flat 3003 .o63 stock. I am "Self taught" but I must admit that school or apprenticeship would have served me better. I would have done alot of things differently if given a time machine. The doors are spot welded steel frames with .050 aluminum skins. The aluminum is panel bonded to the Original steel chassis. I made the dash from scratch and the gas tank as well.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Solitude "Sport"

Here is the "Sport" version of my design. It will utilize VW front beam and wide 5 bug wheels. I will lbuild this one first and learn the mistakes to avoid with the coupe.

Sculptrite bicycle

I call it "Mellowdrome"

Solitude "Normal"

This is a concept that I have had for about 10 years. I have designed every part of it. I am now modelling it in 3d and will be making a 1:4 clay model of it soon. I call it "Solitude". The circles on the sides are stylized low fresh air vents. The car will be made from aluminium with steel doors, Hood, and Trunk. I am counting the days until I get to drive a car that I designed and built from scratch.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fabricaded Panel

A panel that fabricated from scratch for a racing Porsche 356. The hammer was also made from scratch as well.

Evolution of the Sculptrite Logo

The long process of developing my logo. Notice the subtle arc that was produced by literally slicing the paper multiple times then retracing it. Nothing is as appealing to me as a pencil drawn logo produced from scratch then cleaned up in a graphic program. There are no fonts exactly like these letters and it's uniqueness is obvious.

Lounge chair design

Here is the original drawing and the 3D rendering that I did of my lounge chair design.

Bugatti Toy concept

The aim was to design a series of easily produced Grand Prix toy cars from the early days of racing. Often times these cars were remarkable for their daring design and execution.

Prototype finished

Finished Bugatti toy Prototype. Made with sculpted MDF and two stage paint work. Production model would be cast in color.

1920s Bugatti toy

Developing the Bugatti Grand Prix toy.

Utila cut sheets

Cut sheets will be printed out to maximize productivity.


"Utila" is a utility vehicle that I am designing to meet the needs of the masses who are frustrated with poor design.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Utila Bed in 3D

All cuts will be calculated in 3D to produce the best possible use of materials.